Akiko’s Products

Akiko’s Products

Original PMI

Field tested and Proven Medical Cannabis Plant and Potency Increaser.

Promotes pro-biotics into vascular system of the plant.

Fights pathogens by increasing and strengthening plants immunity.

Microbes feed soil increasing availability of nutrients.

Works great on all plants!

Uses: To increase plant potency and vigor by strengthening immunity system of each strain.
Increase growth by minimizing the affect that pathogens have on plant’s health.


Directions: Use one teaspoon/gallon. Apply every 7 days.

Original PMI contains no water.

15oz bottle $35.00

30oz bottle $60.00

Baked Goods

  • cookies no sugar
  • brownies no sugar
  • mochi


Pressed Juice

To order please contact

Email address akiko358tiare@gmail.com

Phone 808-258-5598

For more information, check out our booth at Hawaii Cannabis Expo!
